

We fight for freedom, and we stand for freedom, and we won't relent until we defend freedom at its core. (Applause.) And that's why the budget I sent up there has got a significant increase in defense spending, because we owe it to the defenders of freedom to give them the best equipment, the best housing, the best training, and another pay raise. (Applause.)

Bush Promises "Steady and Relentless" War on Terrorism
--Bush remarks at Greenbrier Resort in West Virginia
4 February 2002

read the entire fucking thing and DO something



remember, the experienced adults are in charge


Older White House computer hard drives have been destroyed, the White House disclosed to a federal court Friday in a controversy over millions of possibly missing e-mails from 2003 to 2005.

The White House revealed new information about how it handles its computers in an effort to persuade a federal magistrate it would be fruitless to undertake an e-mail recovery plan that the court proposed.

“When workstations are at the end of their lifecycle and retired … the hard drives are generally sent offsite to another government entity for physical destruction,” the White House said in a sworn declaration filed with U.S. Magistrate Judge John Facciola.

It has been the goal of a White House Office of Administration “refresh program” to replace one-third of its workstations every year in the Executive Office of the President, according to the declaration.

Some, but not necessarily all, of the data on old hard drives is moved to new computer hard drives, the declaration added.

comment by dennis from link
Dennis - SGMM Says:

Not to worry; the Republicans will discover the danger of the Unitary Executive next January. They will also rediscover the other two branches of government and the importance of Congressional oversight. Any invocation of executive privilege or use of signing statements will be Viewed With Alarm. Presidential appointees will require super majorities to be confirmed.
It will take less than eight months for the Democrats to Let Victory in Iraq Slip From Our Grasp.
More financial institutions will require bailouts – not because of over leveraging or mismanagement but because they are demoralized at the specter of a Democratic administration. The punditocracy will speak with one voice in demanding that taxes be cut further and regulations loosened to end the Pelosi Recession.
This is too easy.

March 22nd, 2008 at 8:59 am


your liberal meadea/priorities [updated] [again] [and again] [and yet again]


just because they say it over and over and over again doesn't mean it's true
(the post title, not the link)

curious, on 'morning joe' (on msgop in the am) they have on a teevee, the upcoming guests, it's usually made up of white people (just like the hosts) and invariably men (full disclosure, i'm a white male), and if they do have someone of color on, it's usually to discuss a topic regarding race, when will they have someone of any ethnicity to discuss a non-race related topic, just asking

**** update

yesterday they had on tiki (ex-fox news co-host) barber as a guest host
...talking about

**** again

then they get sara (what oath to the constitution ??) taylor, are they trying to drive away viewers ??

**** and again

An Op-Ed Need for Diverse Voices
By Deborah Howell
Sunday, May 25, 2008; Page B06

The Post's op-ed page is too male and too white. And there aren't a lot of youthful opinions, either.

I have nothing against older white men; I'm married to one. And the nation's power structure, often represented in Post op-eds, is white, male and at least middle-aged. But a 21st-century op-ed page needs more diversity...

The 2008 numbers as of Wednesday: 654 op-ed pieces -- 575 by men, 79 by women and about 80 by minorities...

Of 19 weekly or biweekly columnists, 17 are men...

Of the four monthly columnists, three are white men...


be sure to read about 'The 50 most influential US political pundits' here:

**** and yet again

more on the subjet here: http://www.eschatonblog.com/2008_06_08_archive.html and here: http://mediamatters.org/items/200705140001?f=h_top


can we stop having these ??


i guess not



the best republican a democrat could want ??

[updated, again]


2007 congressional scorecard on middle class issues, illinois delegation:

(D) Costello, Jerry IL 100% A+
(D) Davis, Danny IL 100% A+
(D) Gutierrez, Luis IL 100% A+
(D) Hare, Phil IL 100% A+
(D) Jackson, Jesse IL 100% A+
(D) Lipinski, Daniel IL 100% A+
(D) Rush, Bobby IL 100% A+
(D) Schakowsky, Janice IL 100% A+
(D) Emanuel, Rahm IL 90% A

(D) Bean, Melissa IL 78% C
(R) LaHood, Ray IL 75% C
(R) Johnson, Timothy IL 56% C
(R) Kirk, Mark IL 56% C
(R) Biggert, Judy IL 30% F
(R) Shimkus, John IL 33% F
(R) Weller, Gerald IL 33% F
(R) Roskam, Peter IL 10% F
(R) Manzullo, Donald IL 0% F
(R) Hastert, J. Dennis IL INC INC

this, in addition to her atrocious voting record on civil liberties and the support of the war, i'm dismayed she won the primary, to say the least

**** update, credit where credit is due:

regarding this vote:

i actually commend her for voting against (with 15 other democrats and every single republican) the 3 trillion dollar budget just passed by the house

**** again, debit where debit is due:


i am reminded why i would like to see her replaced, here she joins 8 other democrats and all the republicans (save one) to vote against updating fisa, she knows that "immunity for the telecoms" is a red herring, its immunity for the president who ordered the illegal wiretapping in the first place


The Iraq Follies

Commentary: Eighteen things you've already forgotten about the media's flawed coverage of Iraq.

By Greg Mitchell

March 11, 2008


has anything changed ??

the people who were wrong before are still wrong now
[for the most part, a few have awoken]
the troops and iraqis that have died and been injured before will be followed by more
the debt that has grown, will continue
the companies that have made billions, will continue to do so

the administration members that were not in jail before are still not in jail now

congress can stop this, but instead, look for ways to work 'bipartisanly' with the worst fucking president ever and most corrupt political party in recent history, such is life